Summer is here.
School is out and the summer schedule is in effect for many families. Classes are offered on a continuing schedule through the summer. Mondays and Thursdays.
May is for Growth
The calendar says May is here. The forecast shows better weather ahead. May is a stable month here but exciting with TWO martial arts gatherings to attend this month. It is so good to get out and participate in these events. Over the past few years it has become more exciting as students and families are traveling with us in increasing numbers, and many of you have attended over the course of several years now. In the beginning it was our goal to connect you with the organization and find support that goes beyond (me). When our first teacher left we did not have additional resources. When I attended, as so many others, found themselves in a strange new world. It was an exciting time of trying new styles but I was always searching. Now we have friends and partners to practice with is so many states. Resources are abundant.
So May will be busy and exciting!
Go (Ju) Getsu
May will be the month we work on Kihon Ido. Basics with movement. This is the foundation of kata, it is a more accessible way to develop coordination of our arms with our hips and legs. We can develop useful applications beyond single steps with these exercises. Happy Go (Ju) Getsu.
Fall 2020
Fall is officially here and the colors are about to be vibrant and show one of the best parts of living in this area. I took occasion to go Mountain biking with a friend over the past weekend and found the fall colors to be just where I like them. It was a lovely day to be out.
Back in the Dojo I reflect on our space. I have been in deep thought after talking this summer with a client who was expressing appreciation of how “non- Boujie” it is here. Her assertion was it is not off putting in its environment or the people in it. She said she felt comfortable with Yoga here and enjoyed that her child could take classes without feeling out of place. I would agree and add it is my favorite place. I love how we have a family style dojo that is accessible to everyone. I say our space because this has been built as an effort of many who have been involved from the students who helped paint; the families who donated to allow for the purchase the mirrors; the participants who offered their help getting digital and online things up and running; the instructors who make the classes happen- especially the children’s classes. We have truly a special dojo- Group of people. Thank you all!
2020… Wow
Well 2020 is off and running, but who could have seen this coming. Well our in person classes are on hold until further notice. This is unfortunate but it has offered the oppertunity for some reworking of things as we go over the curriculum. For students we are doing our best to post videos on the YouTube channel. Well we do not encourage “online training” or the YouTube Dojo we encourage you to remain safe, Healthy and active. We will be posting new videos as often as possible but this is the perfect time to practice earnestly with creativity. Hopefully we will be able to share the floor together soon.
Saturdays this year we will offer class once a month. In January we worked with the Bo and this weekend we celebrated some birthdays and worked out with the cane…. I mean sai. We worked with hojo undo and learned the first sai kata. The best part was the social time to follow. Look forward to March and our Tonfa clinic on the 14 and April twin sticks…?on the 11th. In May we hope to take it outside…
Yoga at a karate school…
Astute readers of the newsletter over the past few months will note much shifting with the (potential) Yoga offerings. I am so glad that people are reading this and noting what is happening here. It encourages me to keep doing it… On to my point… In looking at Yoga offerings there are many places you can choose and I appreciate your participation here. In my academic head it does not make much sense to do something that is done in many other places. When we are the only place for Authentic Okinawan Karate in the area and no other offerings Goju Ryu Karate show up in at least 200 miles; our style of kobudo {weapons} work is not available within at least 60 miles, and Tai chi is not widely available in the region it makes sense to focus on those things.
Yoga has been part of my personal practice to some degree since beginning karate in 1985 but since 1995 it continues to be a larger and larger part of my self- care practice. There were some imbalances mostly in my hips or legs affecting my knees and low back that with the use of yoga were “corrected” and had me moving better in my 30’s than in my 20’s. Then there is the mental component… this has helped more than I am able to comprehend. I use yoga to give myself strength, mobility, flexibility and most importantly of all, rest. Yoga continues to be a big part of my personal practice and I believe it is helpful for anyone. There are not many things that I can say are good for ANYONE. It may not look the same from one person to another or one day to the next but it will be helpful when done with the correct mindset. Since 2003 I have “taught” Yoga in various settings. Since taking my first training for the use of yoga for therapy in 2006 the way I practice and teach has changed. It has been far more well-informed. Yoga is for inventory of our being on a physical, mental and spiritual level. What we do with that inventory is up to us… How we choose to work with this information can vary the outcome of the practice and our life.
My challenge has been how to get appropriate offerings for anyone on the schedule. (Appropriateness doesn’t always follow the schedule)
We will continue to offer high quality Authentic Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate and Kobudo classes for those interested and Tai chi classes as well as having Yoga for anyone.
Check with us to see how we can help you using acupuncture traditional Chinese medicine or any of our classes.

October News
Occasionally people ask about our prices and are surprised to learn how low they are. Often they note we charge (less than) half of other schools in the area. Some people feel it must not be worth much if it is so “cheap”. You are welcome to pay more if you feel that way… However we have professional instructors (a couple professional teachers of young children by training/ day job) with many years of experience teaching and coaching preschool, elementary middle and high school, university and even adult education who bring those skills to bear in preparation and delivery of our classes.
We are passionate about our art and enjoy practicing and sharing these traditional styles with world-wide recognition. The arts we practice are not a product, meaning we do not change with the wind or what is in the most recent popular martial arts action movie. When coming to Menomonie Goju you will find solid traditional Okinawan martial arts taught in a way (to the best of our ability) they have been handed down over generations. This does not mean there is not innovation or modern thought applied; Our instructors also have both traditional and modern medical training, (degree-ed Masters in Oriental Medicine / licensed massage therapist/ certified Acupuncturist / registered Yoga teacher) How is this relevant you ask. Classes are taught with a high ability to explain the anatomical implications of the movements, prevent injury and follow in the footsteps of the founders.
We rejoice in students who are interested in a historical martial art and are looking for a principle based class, focusing on building skills for life and learning how to interpret what we are taught. Of course we enjoy some fitness/ conditioning as a part of our program, but to the end of developing our ability to improve and execute our techniques. We like to have fun but do work to keep our mind on what we are doing, and why. If you are interested in twice the program at half the price give us a call and check out our classes.
October we will work on falls…
During the month of October Halloween falls on the Thursday, we will no class October 31. Many have enjoyed showing their costumes for class during the end of the month. Dates for this to be acceptable are October 28 and November 4. I always give “extra points” for martial arts inspired costumes, however your Gi is NOT a costume outside the dojo.
Testing this Monday night (September 30) good luck to all who are promoting. Please attend if you are able to support your classmates. We will do group photos after testing, it would be great to see your smiling face.
Our remaining Testing dates for 2019 will be November 7 and December 16. Applications need to be turned in at least One week prior to testing date. Plan accordingly if you are thinking of testing this year.
Schedule update: Beginning, October 1 (this week) we will offer class on Tuesdays 5:35-6:20. This will be our family style karate class same as Monday and Thursday nights. We do not expect that students attend all classes but hope this additional offering will meet your needs and ease your schedule some.
September update
September is underway and we have gotten back to our basics or Kihon. Good basics (blocks punches kicks and stances) are the building pieces for advanced techniques. Advanced techniques are simply basics done well. This is the way to great Kata and an ability to do bunkai or analysis of our moves.
We are and will continue working on our conditioning so we can reap the benefits of keeping our bodies mobile and strong.
Our next Testing date will be September 30. Applications need to be turned in at least I week prior to testing date. See us for application. We have several people testing so please attend if you can to support your classmates.
Schedule update: Beginning October 1 we will offer class on Tuesdays 5:35-6:20. This will be our family style karate class same as Monday and Thursday nights. We do not expect that students attend all classes but hope this additional offering will meet your needs and ease your schedule some.